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God's Work. Our Hands.

We are grateful for all our faithful volunteers here at Vine!   


Volunteers are the lifeblood of our church!  There is a place for everyone!  Not only is there a place for you, but there is also a great need for your time and skills for doing God’s work. Everywhere you look, there are opportunities to share God’s love and serve our neighbor.   


Want to be more engaged?  Please prayerfully consider which areas God leads you to serve. 

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Worship Volunteers

Our Sunday worship service requires a team of volunteers each week. Join us and choose one of the many volunteer opportunities and make a difference!! The signup sheets are in the fellowship hall on the volunteer opportunities bulletin board. Please consider serving and sign up today!   

  • Scripture Reader                

  • Greeter

  • Usher

  • Communion Server

  • Alter Flowers                

  • Audio - Visual Team

  • Children's Message

  • Fellowship Hour Host

Ministry Teams

If you are new to Vine, or have been attending for years, we would love for you to join one of our ministry teams!   Vine’s ministry teams are led by volunteers who are committed to the success of the mission and ministries of Vine Church. 

Learning Team:  The Learning Ministry Team develops learning opportunities for children, youth, and adults through Sunday School classes, Bible studies, and other educational programming.

Connecting Team:  Our Connecting Team is responsible for the coordination and planning of special church-wide events. This ministry team provides fellowship and promotes outreach.  It also provides an opportunity for the congregation, friends, and family to socialize, have fun, and get connected. 


Caring Team:  The purpose of the Caring Teams is to provide love and support to all those within the congregation and community. This includes those undergoing surgery, in hospital stays, nursing facilities or confined in their homes.  A time of celebration is also a time when the church comes alongside an individual or family with support and praise.


Reaching Out Team:  The Reaching out team’s primary focus is to "reach out" to serve our community, schools, and neighbors.  The programs are aimed at making a positive impact in the lives of individuals and groups outside the church's immediate circle. It's about extending a hand of fellowship, support, and love.


Advocating Team:  The Advocating Team is a group of people who are passionate about local, national and global issues.


Building & Grounds Team:  This team works on maintaining and enhancing our building and grounds.

Special One-Time Events

There are always opportunities to volunteer at Vine. As special events are planned volunteers are needed … bulletin, newsletter and worship announcements will call for volunteers as needed. You are always welcome to lend a hand.

Ready to jump in? 

Click on the link below, fill out the Ministry Teams Signup sheet and return to the church office.  One of our staff or volunteers will be in touch! 


Please call our church office at (402) 483-4781 or email us at  The office hours are Monday through Friday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Sunday Schedule

Worship Service              10:30 am

Sunday School all Ages   9:30 am

Contact Vine

Vine Congregational United Church of Christ

1800 Twin Ridge Road, Lincoln, NE  68506

402-483-4781 ✛   

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

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