Lincoln, NE

Vine's Creation Action Network (CAN)
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it; the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24
The Vine faith community has long been a strong supporter for protecting creation and being active on peace and justice issues. We teach, share and learn ways we can keep our land, air and water clean, healthy and usable for all of God’s creation and for generations to come. We learn and are active in promoting environmental justice issues. Our Earth is our only home, and we must do our part to preserve and protect it and every living thing on it.
Creation Action Network (CAN) includes a network of people interested in sharing information and concern for our creation and environmental justice issues throughout our community and the world. There are no regular meetings. We contact each other through email with events and activities that focus on injustice, legislation, community events, books, webinars, articles to enhance our understanding and promote advocacy about our creation. If you are interested, contact the church office to be added to the email list for Creation Action Network (CAN).
“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness
and walk humbly with our God?” Micah 6:8
Vine's Pollinator Garden 2019

Vine's Pollinator Garden 2021
Sage's Eagle Scout Project
New Pollinator Pathway

Vine's Pollinator Garden
New plantings spring 2022 and 2023.