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Plan a Visit

What to Expect

Trying something new can be stressful, especially when you don't know what to expect.  So, at Vine we're trying to make a visiting easier.  We are a casual, relevant church with no dress code, and friendly people who want to help you start your spiritual journey.  

At Vine you will find ...

  • an open and affirming environment that is accessible to all; 

  • many ministry opportunities to share your time and talents;

  • a supportive and caring intergenerational faith family;

  • a desire to support causes in the Lincoln community and beyond;

  • a faith community addressing social justice issues.  

If you'd like to learn more about Vine, please contact us.  We'd love to share our faith and friendship with you!  

Worship Service 

Vine offers a traditional worship service. We gather every Sunday morning at 10:30 am and our typical worship service lasts about an hour.  A bulletin is provided so that you may follow along and participate in all elements of the service. 


Music is a very important element in the life and worship of Vine. Our organist, Chancel choir, Joyful Noise bell choir, and children's handbell choir provide beautiful music to enhance the worship experience.

We welcome participation by all in the worship service; there are opportunities to volunteer as a scripture reader, usher, communion server, and greeter.

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Worship Service                 10:30 - 11:30 am
Sunday School All Ages      9:30 - 10:20 am


We believe that all are welcome in worship and encourage families to worship together. 


  • Children’s Activity Bags are available which provide a variety of hands-on activities for busy hands while still participating in worship.


  • Children’s Message is part of our regular worship service where the children are invited to the front of the sanctuary to hear a message specifically for them.


  • Nursery Care is available during worship service and is staffed by our Nursery Ministry Team.  Our nursery provides a safe and comfortable environment for newborns through kindergarten. 


Feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable wearing. Some people come dressed in their Sunday best and some wear jeans and a t-shirt.   Whatever you wear, you're welcome here. 

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We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, and on other special occasions. Our communion elements consist of a simple table of gluten-free bread and grape juice.  All who seek Jesus are invited to the table.

Fellowship Hour

After each worship service, the Fellowship Hall is open for fellowship and refreshments. We invite you to stick around for an inter-generational social gathering for coffee, a light snack, and conversation.  Strike up a conversation and make some new friends.

Still Have Questions?  

We’re here to help! If you have any questions about who we are, where we’re located or how we do things, just ask.  Please call our church office at (402) 483-4781 or email us at  The office hours are Monday through Friday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Sunday Schedule

Worship Service              10:30 am

Sunday School all Ages   9:30 am

Contact Vine

Vine Congregational United Church of Christ

1800 Twin Ridge Road, Lincoln, NE  68506

402-483-4781 ✛   

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

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