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Jesus said: “‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.”

(Mark 10.14-16) 


Children's Sunday School

Age 4 - grade 5


Welcome to the Children’s ministry of Vine Church!  We engage children from age 4 through grade 5 in age-appropriate activities that teach the Word of God and invites children to experience the story of God’s love through relationships, learning, and service.


Children’s Sunday School class is from 9:30 – 10:15 am and runs from September – May (with occasional holiday breaks).  We ask that parents drop children off in the Sunday school room any time after 9:15 am.  You may pick them up after Sunday School and head to worship together as a family.   



The Sunday school class uses the Sparkhouse curriculum, which provides fun interactive activities to help kids see how God’s story relates to the world around them.  Our interactive learning includes hands-on activities, games, creative crafts, and a whole lot of fun.  We incorporate music each week in a variety of ways.  After all, music is a great way for children to learn about faith, love for Jesus, and offer their praise to God! 


  • Children's Handbell Choir occurs every other week.  The children’s handbell choir is led by the Joyful Noise Bell Choir director, and they perform during worship service 3-4 times throughout the year.    

  • Music and Movement Sunday occurs every other week (alternating with the bell choir) and includes Christian music sing-and-dance-along and puppet ministry. 


Mission is a big part of our Sunday School class.  Each year, our students plan and participate in 1-2 mission projects that serve a variety of organizations locally and globally. 

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Vacation Bible School

Every summer, Vine offers a convenient, fun, one-day VBS that is an activity-packed day filled with crafts, games, snacks, music, and more. VBS is typically held on a Saturday and is free and open to children ages 4 – grade 5.   


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Cradle Roll

Our newest "members" are placed on the "Cradle Roll" at birth. Through this ministry, a Pray to God! board book is given at the age of one and The Beginner's Bible is given at age three.  When children reach the age of four, they "graduate" from Cradle Roll and enter Sunday School

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Children's Message

Children’s Message is part of our regular worship service where the children are invited to the front of the sanctuary to hear a message specifically for them.


Each Sunday, there is a meaningful message about God’s world for children during the beginning of the worship hour.  We end our message time by inviting the congregation to pray with us. We encourage families to have their children come forward for this time during worship so they can share in the lesson.  We offer students a small candy treat of a Smartie for their participation.  

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Nursery Care is available during worship service and is staffed by our Nursery Ministry Team.  Our nursery provides a safe and comfortable environment for newborns through kindergarten. We encourage families to worship together, however, if little ones need a time to relax and play, they are welcome in the nursery.


At times, the nursery may not have a staffed attendant.  Parents are welcome to use the nursery and listen to the worship service through the speaker system.

Children's Library

Information coming soon!

Sunday Schedule

Worship Service              10:30 am

Sunday School all Ages   9:30 am

Contact Vine

Vine Congregational United Church of Christ

1800 Twin Ridge Road, Lincoln, NE  68506

402-483-4781 ✛   

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

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